Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I knew it was going to happen at some point . . .

I have been waiting

Over the past 5 years worrying about it

Sometimes gazing into the sky watching

I also checked for any signs

Avoided obvious obstacles

But somewhere in the past week

I stopped waiting for it

I didn't worry

And most times I didn't even gaze into the sky

I wasn't taking heed of where I stopped

And just when I stopped expecting it . . . It happened!!!

Oh yes it happened

Argh . . . it happened

A bird was flying by

And just couldn't hold it anymore

Oh no he couldn't

Argh . . . nope he couldn't

All over the back seat of Zinny

Poor Zinny

I promise to be more diligent from now on

Argh . . . I knew it was going to happen

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I must least it was the car. I was walking down the boardwalk in Mexico when it happened...only right on my arm. It was gross. My sister started a facebook account just to share it with the world.