Thursday, May 26, 2011

Perhaps yesterday was a prelude for today:
  • woke up late
  • couldn't get a hot shower
  • dropped the bluetooth in a glass of water
  • made a smoothie without the protein powder and wondered why it didn't taste so good
  • spilled my coffee
  • had a session with a client in which everything we tried ended up in a software error
  • had a meeting over lunch that was supposed to include lunch but alas that was forgotten
  • burned the grilled cheese (I mean really?? who burns the grilled cheese??)

So here I sit scared to touch a thing and hoping that tomorrow, the Friday of the week, will include a turn. In the meantime, you can bet that I laughed at myself a lot!

1 comment:

Mom said...

My My!!! Not again? Remember last fall and the arrival of your Dad & I? With the tomato soup on and the grill cheese cooking you couldn't wait to give ua a tour of the new home but alas we smelt something burning!! Yes grill cheese!