Thursday, May 13, 2010

Letters to Juliet

Nicole and I took advantage of some free tickets to a movie last night. Jimmy had received tickets to Letters to Juliet and graciously passed them on to me. Apparently none of his friends were free that night . . .

Nicole opened the night by telling me Rotten Tomatoes only ranked it at 33% so she has very low expectations of the movie and was quite glad the tickets were free! Whew - okay - all excitement of free tickets to a cute chic flick was squelched with that report.

But to our surprise and my relief - the movie was quite delightful. It is your traditional love story that we all dream about. The scenery was breathtaking as they toured around the Itallian country side and I couldn't get enough of the beautiful city of Verona.

I highly recommend it. Jimmy will be sad he missed out.


Robin Berkan said...

Jen and I saw it on Mother's day and we thoroughly enjoyed it, too. The critic in this morning's paper (a guy - how wrong is that?) panned it. No swearing and no sex - how wonderful is that????

Jules said...

LOL - agreed!!! I certainly don't trust a male review of a cute little love story very often.