Thursday, September 09, 2010

The Camp

Brent took us up to The Camp again this summer. I must say, the camp is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to visit when we go home to Nova Scotia.  There are a few others that can be included in this list: the cape, the beach, the wheel . . . so I was quite excited to take a trip up Brown's Mountain.

It was my first trip up during the day. The trees were a rich green and the ferns so lush. You could breathe it all in! It was the perfect afternoon to listen to Brent's tall tales, snap a few photos and enjoy the sunshine.

If you are dying to see the inside of the cabin, you can check out these pics I took last time.  Thanks Brent for the perfect afternoon!

1 comment:

Elaine Scott said...

My husband would say those were not "sensible shoes" for a hike in the woods!!